Monday, December 8, 2014

Digital Concept Art and Digital Painting

 Students are exposed to live digital painting, they are also being instructed to carry and developed own research on digital painting concepts, from references such as colours and tonal values. The principal core of this class is development of personal digital creation, production concept and character for games.

Digital demonstration in GKN2093 class, warms up with fast sketches for digital creation.

w.i.p for final GKN2093 classes.
Final output of Digital concept art/ Su Zhu Hui (2015)

Concept Art Muhammad Kholiq (2015)

Works by Roselyn Hii and Tang Hung Moi (2010)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

FYP, Final Year Project.

The final year student developing narrative storylines brainstorming using Affinity method or as known as K.J Method, the term developed by Jiro Kawakita. This tool which well known of its usage in management method to organize ideas and data. the sticky notes were then sorted into groups based on proposed natural relationship by adapting (cause and effect Diagram).

(Picture courtesy of  Mdm. June Sze Jong)
Discussion for developing relationship between variables (Keyword)
Sorted ideas and keywords into classification, and priorities.

From Script to development of Storyboards
Organizing storyboard sequences by the students and the Lecturers

 Finalizing storyboard concepts and layout design

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Animation Talk by Kromosomlab

Visiting by founder of Kromosomlab, creator of Eicak the Series, Mr. Fythullah and Mr, Kamal to Animation Programme, Design Technology, FACA, UNIMAS. The duo shares the experience in creating TV series, process from pitching, pre-production to post-production. Thank you for your support to our programme!